The games is pretty good but the control scheme is not as good as it could be. Having the system auto correct coordinates should be adjusted. Too many times I have ordered troops to go somewhere and then by accident they are redirected because of the automatic system in place. I understand this system is to guide players and allow them to know where their troops are going but there must be a better way. Perhaps changing the click and drag to click and click would be a more convenient alternative to navigating your troops.
Another thing that deters me is that troops cannot retreat. As soon as they engage that's it, they are off to the races to kill or be killed, it's pretty absurd. So how about letting your troops retreat, pretty please?
Another thing that bothers me is when you select multiple troops and tell them to do something, you have to select them all again. It's too inconvenient having to select them all again and again, perhaps this can be changed and deselecting could be as simple as pressing the D key. Which reminds me, how come there aren't any hot keys? Just a thought that maybe should be considered.
Bottom line: good game but has some irritating mechanics.